Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a tour or visit The Acorn Nursery?

Please email us at admin@theacornnursery.co.uk. Alternatively, on our Contact Us page you will find options to telephone or email if you would like to find out some more information in advance of your tour.

Can my child visit The Acorn prior to starting?

Yes absolutely! On your tour your child is more than welcome to come along with you to explore the classrooms as you walk around. If you decide to Register your child at The Acorn, we will discuss settling in sessions prior to your child starting to ensure your child’s start at The Acorn is happy and settled.

How early do I need to Register my child to attend The Acorn Nursery?

We take Registrations from birth and encourage you to register your interest in The Acorn as early as you know you’ll need a place. Children are allocated a space at The Acorn based on registration date. This change will take place for the September 2025 cohort.

Please note, registering and paying the registration fee does not guarantee your child’s place as these can become booked years in advance. We do try and advise the likelihood of availability before any fees are paid by you.

To Register:
Complete the registration form and pay the £100 registration fee. Please be aware this is non-refundable. On payment of the registration fee this allows you to go on to our waiting list for an offer of a place at The Acorn. 

If you are looking for a 2024 place, offers have already been made. Please contact us directly for any availability.
If you are looking for a 2025 place, offers have already been made. Please contact us directly for any availability.
If you are looking for a 2026 place, places will be offered in February 2025. We will be offering families based on the date they registered and asking them to accept an offer of a place within two weeks, to ensure we are as fair as possible.

Only at this point will the £1000 deposit be required. This will be refunded back to you after the final term in your child’s final year at The Acorn, alternatively it can be deducted off your final Summer Terms invoice. Fees are invoiced a term prior to your child’s start date.

What are your opening times and when are you closed?

The Acorn Nursery is open Monday – Friday during term-time only.
For the morning session we are open from 9am – 11.45am, if your child stays for lunch collection is at 1pm.
If your child stays for the full day, drop off is at 9am and collection is between 3.45-4pm.

What should my child bring to The Acorn Nursery?

Prior to their start date:

  • All completed Child Information and Permission forms
  • A recent photograph of your child

Every day:

  • Their Acorn school bag with a complete change of clothes, including underwear. All clothes need to be clearly labelled.
  • If your child is still requires nappies please include sufficient nappies to allow multiple changes as required.
  • Please pack 2 pieces of fruit of vegetable for snack time. If your child stays for the full day they will receive a catered lunch.

EpiPen or any other type of allergy related medication. All medication needs to be prescribes and clearly labelled with the child’s name and instructions.

Are all staff members DBS checked?

Yes, all staff at The Acorn Nursery are required to have a DBS check completed when they start. Staff are asked to be on the Update system, if not they are renewed every two years

What are staff to child ratios at The Acorn Nursery School?

The ratios, are outlined by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) are:

  • 2-3 years old – 1 qualified adult: 4 children
  • 3 years and above – 1 qualified adult: 8 children

You will find that at The Acorn Nursery we exceed this minimum requirement as we ensure the highest quality care and education is provided.

Are the staff at The Acorn Nursery First Aid trained?

All staff at The Acorn Nursery are first Aid trained. If a member of staff is a new starter we aim to get them trained within a short time of joining us.

Food and Dietary Requirements

We believe in a healthy approach to bodies and appetites, with sociable mealtimes, balanced nutrition and trying fresh, varied foods where possible.
We ask that you provide a piece of fruit or vegetable that will be cut up and shared with their friends during snack time. We provide refreshments throughout the day to ensure the children remain hydrated, especially as we know how active they are likely to be!
If your child stays for lunch they will receive a catered lunch provided by the Yum Yum Food Company. The Yum Yum Food Company works with the Caroline Trust and ensure the food is sugar and salt free. They are also able to cater for a variety of dietary requirements. Please discuss any dietary requirements with us directly.

Education and Care

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)?

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the curriculum put in place by the Government that states how we as Early Years teachers ensure your child is meeting the required developmental milestones.
The EYFS is split into seven areas of learning, with three Prime areas:

  • Communication
  • Personal, Social and Emotional
  • Physical

And four Specific areas:

  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Literacy
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Within these areas, we must ensure the children are making progress appropriate to their age.

How will my child’s progress be tracked throughout their time at The Acorn?

Each child at The Acorn is allocated to a Key Teacher. This person develops a special bond with them and yourselves. They are will be your first point of contact and will observe your child throughout the day, linking this progress to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Your child’s progress is followed and updated throughout the year with feedback through regular parents meetings as well as a report at the end of the Summer Term.

My child has Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND), can they still attend The Acorn?

Yes absolutely! The Acorn is fully inclusive and we pride ourselves on adapting the care we provide to the individual needs of each child who attends. Please speak to us directly to discuss the specific requirements of your child and the additional assistance they may need put in place to ensure we can provide the best possible care and support during their time at The Acorn.

Do you have connections and relationships with surrounding schools?

At The Acorn we work in partnership with local schools to ensure a smooth transition from The Acorn into Reception. In line with our Admissions Policy, if your child attends The Acorn for two academic years and your child is registered with Notting Hill Prep your child will receive an automatic place. Many of our children progress into a Dukes Education school, and we have great partnerships with the teachers and Heads in these as well as other local schools.

If you would like to discuss your child’s next steps please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time.

My child was unwell during the night but seems fine this morning. Are they still able to come into The Acorn today?

No, unfortunately we have a strict policy on exclusion periods. For sickness and diarrhoea, children must stay at home for 48 hours following the last episode. If your child has had temperature, children must remain at home for 24 hours once their temperature drops.

May I collect my child from The Acorn early?

Yes of course, you may collect your child whenever you wish. Please do let us know if you are collecting early in order to prepare your child, as some children don’t always enjoy the change in routine.

What happens if my child has an accident at The Acorn?

Accidents do happen at nursery school however, we try our best to prevent them. If your child has an accident depending on the severity, we will let you know at collection or immediately following the accident. If it is a head injury (no matter how minor), we will always call you to let you know.

We will complete an accident form online to outline what happened (causes, treatment, outcomes etc.) which you will receive via your app. All staff are trained in Paediatric First Aid and will provide any First Aid required. For any larger incidents that require professional advice, we will contact 999 or 101. We will keep you up to date throughout this process by call, email or face to face.

We record all accidents and can provide a record of these upon request.

What should I do if I am unhappy with an aspect of my child’s care?

Please come and talk to us, we have an open door policy and are happy to discuss any concerns you may have at drop off, collection or in a meeting. We prefer to talk through any problems before they get bigger, so please don’t hesitate to inform us of any queries or concerns you may have so we can continue to provide the best care for your child.

Outside play, trips and extra-curricular activities

How often will my child go outside to play?

The children go out into the garden every day and in all weathers. The weather in England can be very temperamental so we encourage the children to come to school with hooded jackets and good shoes, so they are able to explore the gardens. When the children go outside for Forest School, we do encourage the children to be wearing weather appropriate clothing as well as welly boots in case we do a few jumps in some muddy puddles!

Do you take the children out for trips or walks?

Yes absolutely! The children go for walks to explore their local community and visit places such as Holland Park, our local library, galleries, and museums. The children also attend trips further afield depending on their topic, such as Kew Gardens and the Wetland Centre.

Does The Acorn provide any extracurricular activities?

The Acorn does indeed provide extracurricular activities and opportunities for the children to extend their learning. Children can currently access Dance, Drama, Football, Sports and Spanish however please be aware these are subject to change.

Fees, Funding and Discounts

How can I pay my child’s school fees and when are they due?

You will receive an invoice the term before your child starts or at the end of every term. We accept payment via bank transfer. Fees are paid termly in advance.

Do you offer funded places for two and three years olds?

At The Acorn we offer the 15-hour and 30-hour free childcare Government funding. To access the 30-hour funding we will require your eligibility code.
The 15-hour funding is available for all children over the age of three the term after they turn three.

We will apply for the funding on the family’s behalf before the start of term. This amount is deducted from the termly invoice issued to parents.

We do not offer any fully funded places.

What happens if I collect my child late?

We understand that sometimes things happen out of your control such as traffic or appointments over running. If you are going to be late, please can you let us know as soon as you are aware. It is not a problem once or twice but if this becomes more frequent you will be charged for any extra hours at our normal hourly rate.